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"Designing interiors is no longer only about materials, finishes, space planning and beautiful furniture; but it is now looking into how people work, integrating systems thinking with activities etc. " What is your opinion?


An interior designer’s job I know before is multi-layered yet essentially begins with giving precise plan counsel to the ideal safe control of the individuals who work, live or utilize inside the space. Working across an assortment of areas with various laws for product use and determination among private and agreement use, and inside fashioner should be discerning of and conform to all structure, wellbeing and security, and item guidelines.

After a 6-month internship in a firm with professional teams. I have come to realize that the meaning of being a good interior designer isn’t just base on your skills of using the software to draw and render, it is how do you design a space that evokes happiness and soothes the soul. It could inspire confidence, empathy, pride, creativity, security, and energy in the people that living in it.

“Creating a meaningful space that fulfills the needs of the inhabitant and optimizes their space is one of our key roles as designers and is essential to our society,” as Bradley says has inspired me and change to a whole new perspective of me towards interior designing.

I accept that regardless of how we are as a designer shall know that you ought to recollect your motivation and have your very own worth to the works you do that reflect to people who you are as a designer.


"Design adds value faster than it adds costs." -- Joel Spolsky, web programmer, writer, and creator of Trello. Sometimes we heard people say, "why should I pay for design? ANYONE can design..." The idea of design is always being narrowed-down with statements saying that design is simply an action that ANYONE can do. How do we, as designers can over come that?

I think this is a mentality that individuals have particularly nowadays where it is simpler to admittance to various projects and outlets. In any case, what they don't comprehend is that planning isn't simply assembling two arbitrary things. It is the worth that somebody can bring to an undertaking to make each venture or item into something that exceptionally has a place with a customer. For instance, regardless of whether comparative Shapes/colors are utilized in marking or inside plan, what makes it remarkable is the capacity to address the ethics of the customer in an intriguing and innovative manner that satisfies the targets and gives the customer something that completely addresses their perspectives. However much people say that anybody can plan, they need planners all over the place, may it be, for items, for homes, for structures, we are encircled by plan and imagination that occasionally we disregard to see since we are excessively occupied. Being outfitted with programming abilities to execute the incredible plans and depict thoughts and ideas is another viewpoint that individuals will in general disregard. it's anything but a ton of time and extraordinary ability to execute the incredibly rich plan. Indeed, even specialists are instructed to plan hardware and other specialized things. To Have an incredible plan we must be furnished with huge information that doesn't simply confine us to one subject, it's anything but a philosophical one. We as creators need to investigate and informed ourselves in a few subjects which assist with producing extraordinary plans. Making mindfulness and instructing others is one of the manners in which we as architects can overcome the generalization of anybody can plan.






The first week we are given a brainstorming session to propose an idea of how and what kind of concept idea we are planning to do. These are the 3 ideas I have proposed in week 1. 


IDEA no.1

Alzheimer disease / Reminiscence therapy / Theatre / Film

The idea is to trigger reminiscing therapy with vintage Malaysian films. For many people, iconic movies and actors can bring back pleasant memories. It entertains participants as it increases awareness and reduces the stigma associated with dementia.


Medium Idea: Contemporary Art / Product Design


IDEA no.2

Film elements / Horror / Fantasy / Action / Interactive Cinema

Composed of three movie genres with different angles, as it is designed as a public space and a cultural laboratory that will feature a cinema, film center, and archive and serve as a catalyst for new artistic production. Aiming to create a new kind of cinema experience through its complex and open form.

Medium Idea: Scenarios / Sculptures / Immersive film experience


IDEA no.3

Food Wastage / Education / Interactive Design

Rescues edible surplus food from different sectors of the food industry that would otherwise be disposed of as waste. Having in mind the main users of this experience center are children, durability and safety of all interactive devices will be the priorities.

Medium Idea: Product Design / Education / Mechanical / Sustainability




Ideas are by combining 2 or 3 words, basically. Kindly use this methods for this ideation process. You may sketch with visuals and words.
As we all know that when we go to do our shopping in the supermarket, we need a device  (basket, trolley,  grocery bag etc.) to put in our stuffs and manoeuvre our way around the aisle. Illustrate and visual what are the common issues that we face and sketch out how we can improve the shopping experience better.
You may create a new system or a product for this task. You may add a statement to support your ideas.



"TO INVENT A FUTURE THAT DOESN'T EXIST, YOU REALLY HAVE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING TODAY AND COMPLETELY RE-IMAGINE IT." - Bill Burnett, exec.director of design, Stanford University's D.School Question: What/how would you do to create or establish this 'new idea'. How can this help with your current design project?

As it is at the present time, I accept that with progressions in innovation, we can get a ton of info that we need in a couple of snaps, and the market has become somewhat immersed also with thoughts. So to improve comprehension and concoct a novel thought, we need to widely investigate our objective that as of now exists and afterward blend it in with a ton of creative mind or what doesn't appear to be sensible. 
We can get motivated from in a real sense anything around us, however, the capacity to execute our translations into a reasonable arrangement takes a great deal of time and exploration. I feel that prior to destroying any thoughts saying that it is outlandish or excessively ridiculous, we should change our attitude to a more imaginative brain. Rather than speculation, this is unthinkable, imagine that this really works and if so how can it occur. 
I love watching dark/social motion pictures for what we envision as the purpose to be a human. Another take we can have on this articulation is the manner in which we can take a gander at it from various points which are by hearing the thoughts of numerous individuals. Various individuals have remarkable takes on each task and you could make a blend of these arrangements while it likewise works proficiently. 
I would say it assists me to contemplate minor individuals with exceptional capacities that the greater part of us would some way or another won't ever comprehend. What's more, I need to introduce it to everybody.


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This week, I have the idea of proposing this idea of mine. I myself have a friend with depression and anxiety and I just can't seem to understand how he feels. The feelings he has been telling are there but because it's not substantialization I will never understand the feeling of getting this mental health disorder. So I sketched it out and wanted to raise awareness about Mental Health Disorder. To make people see and feel the feeling of people with these mental disorders.  

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The focus of this topic today is to understand the key factors that make a good
presentation and what inspires people to speak passionately about their
In order to do answer this topic, you need to look at the link below

What were the key points of Steve Jobs's successful presentation? How could it
help you in convincing your audience/critics for the upcoming presentation?

Q2: Who is your favorite speaker, why did you
choose him/her?


Q1. His presentation has been always successful is because 

1. Agenda 

He always comes with a good starting point so the audience knows there's a focused agenda and purpose to what they're listening to. Once he has provided the outline, he will engage the audience and hold their attention by explaining what his new product is.

2. Smile
Keeping the audiences in mind – long, over-complicated sentences, too many statistics, and numbers, or even never-ending functions may overwhelm the audiences. He always put up a big smile while he presents the new product that gives confidence not only to himself but also to his audience. A big confidence boost will definitely help with how he presents. 

3. Visualise 
Steve Jobs utilizes different connections with visuals to help keep the crowd attracted. He additionally does this by giving the crowd a show. Images help the audience remain engaged, whether you include pictures, graphs, charts, or animations. These visuals will only help enhance and reinforce the main points of your presentation.

4. Keep it Simple
Steve Jobs's presentation didn’t have too much text. Every point contained a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 words.
5. Rehearse 

Nothing becomes great without first trying, sometimes failing and trying again. The best way to find mistakes and fix any potential issues with the presentation is by doing a dry-run in front of a practice audience. 


What made Steve Jobs best in not only the presentation but anything else he did was consistency and never settling on anything but perfect. Each of his presentations is better than others. His skill became more mature over time. Hours and hours of practice made Jobs look polished, casual, and effortless.

Q2. Tom Bilyeu and Gary Vaynerchuk. They aren't motivational speakers in the traditional sense, but they have spoken to me in a way that has made the most impact on my life.

WEEK 6: 












editing video and cut scenese

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After finishing my DP poster, I also have decided to go on with the style and colour tone for my coming boards for design. 


After proposing my idea of site and programming, I have given the feedback to do more background research on proving my program does works for mental illness patients and also a better site for my project. 


Medium brain storm sketch 

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This week, I am focusing on breaking down different activities in my program and try to sketch them out for further details bran storm.


Today I am trying out different compositions styles to match my board with my DP poster. After I have decided on the style and composition, I started first with the infographic above. It was a bit tricky at first, especially fitting in the research I have found and fit it into a cube. 


For the programming, I want to highly mention that this is not a mental health center. Instead, it is a place for normal mental level individuals to experience the emotion and feelings of people with mental issues. 


  • An attempt to remove the stigma of mental illness and to open a broader discussion about the symptoms and possible treatment of the health issue and seek to break the taboo surrounding various disorders that impair an individual's thoughts, emotions and social functioning.

  • Those in charge of the mental healthcare system should be held accountable and not be allowed to hide behind the sometimes-nebulous awareness debate.


  • People with mental health problems not only need public awareness and understanding, but a functioning mental health service.


The final site I have chosen for this project is Coliseum KL, it is located at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. The reason that I have chosen this site is that I have personally gone to this site before, and also had a private interview with the workers before. One of the workers here has mental issues as the manager says because of the environment of the working site. This site is a very dense and populated area, the site will get a lot of traffic which correlates with the mission statement where we want to spread awareness. It is also a very high foot traffic area, people are usually stressed from just being within it.





Technical drawings from Manager of Coliseum KL, Mr Suthan.





Perspective drawings I did on Sketchup


After the final crit, I have received a few comments from Ms Aida and Mr Hafizuddin is that I need some minor changes to my programming for my next semester. I want to thank them for the comments as I will look deeper into it during sem break to prepare for my final sem in this course.  


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